Name of Degree | Subject/Group | Institution | Board/University | Passing Year |
M.Sc. | CSE | Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology | RUET | |
B.Sc. | CSE | Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology | RUET | 2016 |
Assistant Professor
Computer Science and Engineering
Name of Degree | Subject/Group | Institution | Board/University | Passing Year |
M.Sc. | CSE | Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology | RUET | |
B.Sc. | CSE | Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology | RUET | 2016 |
Duration | Department/Office | Organization | Position |
02 May 2016 - Present | CSE | Varendra University | Assistant Professor |
1. |
Mst. Jannatul Ferdous, Pritom Sarker, Nakib Aman Turzo, "Assortment of Bangladeshi E-commerce Site Reviews using Machine Learning Approaches", published in 2020 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI), 978-0-7381-4246-3/20/$31.00©20XX IEEE Published date: Dec 2020
2. |
Mst. Jannatul Ferdous, Nakib Aman Turzo, Pritom Sarker, "Iris-Pupil Thickness based Biometric Approach for Determining Age Group using Linear SVM", published in The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Information and Communication Technology 2020 (ICAICT 2020),978-0-7381-2323-3/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE Published date: Nov 2020
3. |
Sagor Chandro Bakchy, Mst. Jannatul Ferdous, Ananna Hoque Sathi, Krishna Chandro Ray, Faisal Imran, Md. Meraj Ali, "Facial Expression Recognition based on Support Vector Machine using Gabor Wavelet Filter ", published in 2nd International Conference on Electrical & Electronic Engineering (ICEEE),"978-1-5386-3341-0/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE Published date: Dec 2017
1. |
Jannatul Ferdous, Nakib Aman Turzo, Pritom Sarker, "Learning Practice for Binary Age Group Stratification by Iris-Pupil Thickness", published in International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 7, July-2020, ISSN 2229-5518 Published date: Jul 2020
Course Name | Course Activity | Course Materials |
Computer Fundamentals | Active | |
Data Structure | Active | |
Software Engineering | Inactive | |
Digital Logic Design | Active | |
Numerical Methods | Active | |
System Analysis and Design | Inactive | |
Computer Fundamentals Lab | Inactive | |
Object Oriented Programming Lab | Inactive | |
Structured Programming Language Lab | Inactive | |
Data Structure Lab | Active | |
Digital Logic Design Lab | Active | |
Computer Networks Lab | Inactive | |
Numerical Methods Lab | Active | |
Database Management System Lab | Inactive | |
Operating System and System Programming Lab | Inactive | |
Digital Signal Processing Lab | Inactive | |
Artificial Intelligence Lab | Inactive | |
Digital Image Processing Lab | Inactive |
1. |
Segmentation-based a hybrid combination of features and classifiers to improve the performance of thoracic disease prediction at RUET, supervised by Dr. Md. Al Mamun
Duration: 03/11/2021 - 03/11/2021
Seminar Attended
Major Points on Research Methodology, Organized by Dept. of CSE, RUET (3rd February, 2022)
Inauguration of IQAC and Workshop on OBE, Organized by Dept. of CSE, Varendra University (30th December, 2021)
Outcome Based Education (OBE), Organized by Varendra University (29 September,2021)
ICAICT 2020 : 2nd International Conference on Advanced Information and Communication Technology , Organized by United International University (UIU), Dhaka, Bangladesh (28-29 November,2020)
Career Talk on Opportunities Abroad, Organized by CSE Dept., Varendra University (24 October,2021)
Why, in your opinion, has OBE been Invented?, Organized by Varendra University (1st February, 2024)
2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE TECHNOLOGIES FOR INDUSTRY 4.0, Organized by Green University, Dhaka, Bangladesh (19-20 December,2020)
Seminar on Academic Writing Strategy for Impacted Journal., Organized by Varendra University (18th January,2022)
International Conference on Efficient Engineering Systems 2020, Organized by Association of Engineering Researchers in association with Jaihind College of Engineering, Kuran, Pune India (1-2 October,2020)
Sl. | Course Material | Added Date | Links |