Department of Journalism, Communication and Media Studies

Dept. Coordinator

Md. Satil Siraj

The Department of Journalism, Communication and Media Studies (JCMS) is one of the youngest and fast-growing centers for media teaching and research in Bangladesh. At present we offer Bachelor of Social Science (BSS) in JCMS, a four-year undergraduate program under the Faculty of Social Science. The program is an academic, industry-oriented, practice-based training and research. The curriculum is designed to provide our students with world-class journalism and communication education adapted to the specific needs of Bangladesh and other countries in South Asia. The Department is committed to prepare students with the spirit of facing the challenges of media, communication including new media.

In a democratic society, news media can act as the eyes and ears of a state and society. Journalism seeks to explore what is going on in the world beyond people's doors and tells them about it. Thus, it can help to ensure and strengthen the democratic practices in a country, and encourage ensuring a free society where there is scope for freedom of thought, freedom of speech, and freedom of communication.

We do strongly believe that storytelling expands our understanding of shared human experience fostering an informed, compassionate, and connected world. Moreover, it is important to grounding the future storytellers in the fundamental values of original reporting—accuracy, verification and fairness. At the same time, they need to be equipped with an array of tools on a range of platforms.

We are dedicated to produce such storytellers who are not only equipped with necessary professional skills but also with the broad knowledge, integrity, and social commitment. We strive for helping our students to lead the profession toward journalism’s digital future. We seek to train them to achieve the highest standards in all branches of the profession, keeping in focus the trend and thrust of convergence in the media, and the subsequent demands for multiple skills. We offer classes and training in a wide range of new techniques, from social media journalism to data visualization.

With the changes in the industry and innovation in technology, the lines between print, broadcast, photographic and online journalism are being blurred. We revise our undergraduate curriculum to keep pace with the changes. Our students are learning the best practices in reporting and storytelling, and producing impactful works. We also concentrate on various critical issues such as sense making, knowledge construction, political process, cultures and identities, and governing the media and communications environment in the emerging digitally networked age.

Throughout the academic, extra-curricular activities and the environment, we encourage our students to challenges the established beliefs, practices and institutions while gathering, analyzing, processing and disseminating information useful to society.

We are committed to producing and disseminating innovative scholarly researches to enhance our theoretical and empirical understanding of the role of communication in public and private life. We adopt an engaged and critical approach to interdisciplinary scholarship touching various social science disciplines and multi-method approaches to the researches.

Our teachers regularly contribute expert opinions and commentaries about research and topical news events to the local and national media