207, Kazla Main Building, Varendra University

Name of Degree Subject/Group Institution Board/University Passing Year
MSS Mass Communication and Journalism Rajshahi University Rajshahi University 1996
BSS Honours Mass Communication and Journalism Rajshahi University Rajshahi University 1995


Title Type Duration Completion Year Achievement
Training of E-trainers Educational 2 days 2020 Certificate of Participation
Modern Didactic Teaching Method Educational 3 days 2017 Certificate of Participation
The Modern Multimedial Website: How to Teach Radio-and TV-Journalism Educational 10 days 2016 Certificate of Participation
Ways into Journalism in Germany Educational 8 days 2016 Certificate of Participation
Teaching and Learning in Tertiary Level Educational 3 days 2015 Certificate of Participation
Duration Department/Office Organization Position
01 Jan 2020 - Present Journalism, Communication and Media Studies Varendra University Coordinator (Part-time)
01 Sep 2018 - 31 Dec 2019 Journalism, Communication and Media Studies Varendra University Part-time Faculty
17 Jun 2017 - Present Mass Communication and Journalism University of Rajshahi Associate Professor
02 Jul 2005 - 16 Jun 2017 Mass Communication and Journalism University of Rajshahi Assistant Professor
02 Jul 2002 - 01 Jul 2005 Mass Communication and Journalism University of Rajshahi Lecturer


Md. Satil Satil Siraj, Abujur , "A Study on the Presentation of Health News in the Newspapers of Bangladesh", published in Development Compilation, Bangladesh Institute of Professional Studies, Vol.17, No.01 Published date: May 2022
Md. Satil Siraj, Md. Mashihur Rahman, "Role of Community Radio to Promote Non-formal Education: A Study on Radio Padma", published in Journal of Journalism and Media Studies Jahangirnagar University Published date: Dec 2017
Md. Satil Siraj, Md. Mashihur Rahman, "Communication Theories in Digital Divide Research", published in Social Science Journal, Vol-19, Rajshahi University Published date: Dec 2015
Md. Satil Siraj, "Exploring the Prospects of Community Radio in Bangladesh in Preventing Human Trafficking and Unsafe Migration: a Study on Radio Mahananda 98.8 fm", published in Global Media Journal, Pakistan Edition VOL-VIII | ISSUE-II | Fall 2015 http://www.aiou.edu.pk/gmj/CurrentIssue.asp Published date: Mar 2015
Md. Satil Siraj, "Film Audience in Bangladesh: Middle class and Lower Class, All are Equal in Terms of Taste (Bangla Write-up)", published in Medium (Journal of Mass Communication and Journalism), Publisher: Institute of Media and Communication Studies, Gulshan, Dhaka, 1st year 1st issue, 1416 Bangla Year year Published date: Mar 2009
Md. Satil Siraj, "A Critical Review on the Texts Related Negative Impact of Advertising on Society( in Bengali", published in ADCOMSO Journal, Department of Mass Communication and Journalism, University of Rajshahi Published date: Dec 1999

Book Chapter

Md. Satil Siraj, "Community Radio against Human Trafficking and Unsafe Migration", published in Invisible Waves, Visible Changes: Community Radio Movement in Bangladesh ISBN 978-81-933588-5-6, edited by Ankuran Dutta, Mohammad SahidUllah, ARMT, India Published date: Mar 2019
Md. Satil Siraj, "When the film itself is the product of 'culture-industry': Perspective Bangladesh (Bangla Write-up)", published in Movie Time, Time Movie, edited by: Dr Fahmidul Huq and Sakhawat Moon, Oytijjo Prokashoni, Dhaka Published date: Mar 2019


Md. Satil Siraj, "Workshop Assistive Training Manual: Techniques for Creating Successful Radio Shows (Translated Work in Bangla, Title of original work: Successful Content Production for Radio – a Training Manual to su", published in Centre for Communication and Development(CCD), Rajshahi, Bangladesh Published date: Dec 2018
Md. Aminul Islam, Md. Mashihur Rahman and Md. Satil Siraj, "Digital Divide among University Students of Bangladesh", published in Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany Published date: Mar 2013
Md. Satil Siraj, "Freedom of Information and Investigative Journalism( translated work in Bengali , Title of original work: Manual for Arab Journalists on Freedom of Information and Investigative Journalism, Publisher:", published in Mass-Line Media Centre(MMC) 1/15 Mohammadpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh Published date: Jan 2008
Md. Satil Siraj, "Impact Assessment Study on “Women’s Participation in Democracy”", published in Research Cell, Association for Community Development(ACD), Rajshahi, Bangladesh Published date: Mar 2005
Md. Satil Siraj, "Types, Nature and Causes of Violence against Women in Rajshahi District", published in Research Cell, Association for Community Development(ACD), Rajshahi, Bangladesh Published date: Mar 2005

Conference Paper

Md. Satil Siraj, "Disparity and Discrimination faced by the Indigenous Communities in Bangladesh: A study on the National Budget ", published in Title of Conference: International conference on “Narrativising Indigeneity – Looking to the Future”, Venue:Centurion University, Paralakhemundi, Odisha, India, Organized by:Institute of Knowledge So Published date: Feb 2016
Md. Satil Siraj, "Role of Community Radio to Promote Non-formal Education: A Study on Radio Padma", published in Title of Conference: ACMC India Chapter Annual Conference 2015, Venue:THK Jain College, Cossipore, Kolkata, India, Organized by: Asian Congress for Media and Communication Published date: Nov 2015


Md. Satil Siraj, "The Role of Radio Mahananda and Proyas to Prevent Human Trafficking and Unsafe Migration (Bangla Write-up)", published in Radio Mahananda 3rd founding anniversary issue, February 2015 Published date: Feb 2015
Course Name Course Activity Course Materials
Comparative Media System Active
Online Journalism Active
Radio Journalism Active
Reporting II Active
Bangla Writing Skills and Styles Inactive
Writing Art, Culture and Entertainment Active
Media Graphics and Design Inactive
Introduction to Media Studies Inactive


Raising Interfaith Youth Voice through the Community Radio: A Study on the Radio program titled Sompriti (Friendship) aired on Radio Mahananda at CCD Bangladesh and Radio Padma 99.2 FM Supported by: United Nation Alliance of Civilization (UNAOC), Youth Solidarity Fund (YSF) and Radio Mahananda 98.8 FM, supervised by Md. Satil Siraj
Duration: 15/10/2014 - 15/12/2014
Raising Interfaith Youth Voice through the Community Radio: A Study on the Radio program titled Sompriti (Friendship) aired on Radio Padma at CCD Bangladesh and Radio Padma 99.2 FM Supported by: United Nation Alliance of Civilization (UNAOC), Youth Solidarity Fund (YSF) and Radio Padma 99.2 FM, supervised by Md. Satil Siraj
Duration: 15/09/2014 - 15/12/2014
End of Project Evaluation Report: Community Mobilization Project to Prevent Human Trafficking (CMPPHT) at Proyas Manobik Unnoyan Society (PROYAS). Supported by : United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Winrcok International (WI), supervised by Md. Satil Siraj
Duration: 14/06/2014 - 15/09/2014
Raising Women's Participation in City Corporation Election :A Study on the Female Councillor Candidates Participated in Rajshahi City Corporation Election 2008 at Research Cell, Association for Community Development(ACD), Rajshahi, Bangladesh, supervised by Md. Satil Siraj
Duration: 10/11/2008 - 10/11/2008
Impact Assessment Study on non-formal education(NFE) related program titled Bachte Hole Shikhte Hobe aired on Radio Padma at Centre for Communication and Development(CCD) and Radio Padma, supported by UNESCO, supervised by Md. Satil Siraj
Duration: 05/11/2012 - 12/12/2012
Feasibility Study on Necessity of Community Radio for Grassroots people at Centre for Communication and Development(CCD), Rajshahi, Bangladesh, supervised by Md. Satil Siraj
Duration: 02/11/2007 - 02/12/2007
Situation Analysis of Female Domestic Workers involved as Informal Occupation in Rajshahi at Association for Community Development (ACD) , Bangladesh and Supported by: OXFAM in Bangladesh, supervised by Md. Satil Siraj
Duration: 02/01/2023 - 27/02/2023
Situation Analysis of Female Domestic Workers involved as Informal Occupation in Rajshahi at Association for Community Development (ACD) Supported by: OXFAM in Bangladesh, supervised by Md. Satil Siraj
Duration: 02/01/2023 - 27/02/2023
Empowerment and Capacity Building of the Women Workers of Silk Factories in Rajshahi at Association for Community Development(ACD), Rajshahi, Bangladesh, supervised by Md. Satil Siraj
Duration: 01/09/2009 - 15/10/2009

Awards and Honors

  • Agrani Bank Gold Medal (in recognition of securing the First place in the First Class in the Faculty of Social Science at the BSS Honours Examination of the year 1995 in Mass Communication.), awarded by University of Rajshahi (1995)

  • Agrani Bank Gold Medal in recognition of securing the First place in the First Class in the Faculty of Social Science at the MSS Examination of the year 1996 in Mass Communication., awarded by University of Rajshahi (1996)

Seminar Attended

  • A Critical Review on the Practice of Agricultural Journalism in Bangladesh (Key-note Speaker), Organized by Farming Future Bangladesh, Bangladesh, held at at Master Chef Restaurant Conference Room in Rajshahi (2020 , September 26)

  • Women's land rights and rights of women in Khas land in Rajshahi region: reviewing the situation (key-note speaker, Bangla paper)), Organized by Association for Community Development (ACD) (2009, November 14)

  • Gender based violence and child marriage: Bangladesh perspective (Key-note speaker), Organized by Association for Community Development (ACD) a non-government organization based in Rajshahi, Bangladesh. , held at DC Conference Room at Rajshahi ( 2020, February 25)

  • Independent media for good governance and development and professionalism in journalism (Key-note speaker, Bangla paper)), Organized by Centre for Communication and Development (CCD), Bangladesh, Radio Padma and BNNRC, held at Conference Room of Warisan Restaurant of Rajshahi . The seminar was held for celebrating World Press Freedom Day ( 2014 ,May 3)

  • People's participation in people's budget (Key-note speaker, Bangla paper)), Organized by Barendra Unnayan Forum, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. ( 2010,May 24 )

  • Transparency in Administration of Bangladesh and the Role of Civil Society (Key-note paper, Bengali write-up) , Organized by Democracy Watch, Bangladesh, held at at Rajshahi Tennis Complex Auditorium ( 2008 , October 27)

    1. I was working with Association for Community Development (ACD) a non-government organization based in Rajshahi, Bangladesh as a key-note speaker in Advocacy Workshop on  National Plan of Action against the sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children including Trafficking.  This programme was being held in several operation areas of ACD in 2010-2011.