1st Floor, Academic Block, Varendra University, Chandrima, Bypass Road

Name of Degree Subject/Group Institution Board/University Passing Year
M. Pharm (Thesis) Pharmacy Department of Pharmacy University of Chittagong 2020
B. Pharm (Professional) Pharmacy Department of Pharmacy University of Chittagong 2019


Title Type Duration Completion Year Achievement
Hands-on Training on 'Computer-Aided Drug Design: Desktop to Publication' Training 16/12/2020–02/01/2021(7 days) 2021 Certificate
Advanced Molecular Dynamics Simulation Training Training 17/09/2021–19/09/2021(3 days) 2021 Certificate
Hospital Training Training 18/06/2019–20/09/2019(3 mnths) 2019 Certificate
In-plant Training Training 11/02/2019–27/02/2019(12 days) 2019 Certificate
Duration Department/Office Organization Position
07 Aug 2022 - Present Department of Pharmacy Varendra University Lecturer (Provisional)


Hossen SMM, Yusuf AT, Emon NU, Alam N, Sami SA, Polash SH, Nur MA, Mitra S, Uddin MH, Emran TB. , "Biochemical and Pharmacological aspects of Ganoderma lucidum: Exponent from the in vivo and computational investigations", published in Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports. 2022 Nov 1;32:101371. Published date: Nov 2022
Bulbul MRH, Chowdhury MNU, Naima TA, Sami SA, Imtiaj MS, Huda N, Uddin MG., "A comprehensive review on the diverse pharmacological perspectives of Terminalia chebula Retz.", published in Heliyon. 2022 Aug 14:e10220. Published date: Aug 2022
Mowla TE, Zahan S, Sami SA, Uddin SMN, Rahman M. , "Potential effects and relevant lead compounds of Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper seeds against bacterial infection, helminthiasis, thrombosis and neuropharmacological disorders. ", published in Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences. 2022 May 1;29(5):3791-805. Published date: Mar 2022
Sami SA, "Consequences of untreated mental health in Bangladesh during COVID-19 pandemic", published in Bulletin of the National Research Centre. 2022 Feb;46(1):1-2. Published date: Feb 2022
Sami SA, Marma KKS, Mahmud S, Khan MA, Albogami S, El-Shehawi AM, Rakib A, Chakraborty A, Mohiuddin M, Dhama K, Uddin MM. , "Designing of a multi-epitope vaccine against the structural proteins of marburg virus exploiting the immunoinformatics approach. ", published in ACS omega. 2021 Nov 18;6(47):32043-71. Published date: Nov 2021
Sami SA, Marma KKS, Chakraborty A, Singha T, Rakib A, Uddin MG, Hossain MK, Uddin SMN., "A comprehensive review on global contributions and recognition of pharmacy professionals amidst COVID-19 pandemic: Moving from present to future. Future Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. ", published in Future Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2021 Jun;7(1):1-16. Published date: Jun 2021
Dutta M, Nezam M, Chowdhury S, Rakib A, Paul A, Sami SA, Uddin MZ, Rana MS, Hossain S, Effendi Y, Idroes R., "Appraisals of the Bangladeshi medicinal plant Calotropis gigantea used by folk medicine practitioners in the management of COVID-19: a biochemical and computational approach", published in Frontiers in molecular biosciences. 2021 May 26;8:625391. Published date: May 2021
Obaidullah AJ, Alanazi MM, Alsaif NA, Albassam H, Almehizia AA, Alqahtani AM, Mahmud S, Sami SA, Emran TB., "Immunoinformatics-guided design of a multi-epitope vaccine based on the structural proteins of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2", published in RSC advances. 2021;11(29):18103-21. Published date: May 2021
Rakib A, Nain Z, Sami SA, Mahmud S, Islam A, Ahmed S, Siddiqui AB, Babu SO, Hossain P, Shahriar A, Nainu F. , "A molecular modelling approach for identifying antiviral selenium-containing heterocyclic compounds that inhibit the main protease of SARS-CoV-2: An in silico investigation. ", published in Briefings in bioinformatics. 2021 Mar;22(2):1476-98. Published date: Feb 2021
Rakib A, Paul A, Chy MNU, Sami SA, Baral SK, Majumder M, Tareq AM, Amin MN, Shahriar A, Uddin MZ, Dutta M., "Biochemical and Computational Approach of Selected Phytocompounds from Tinospora crispa in the Management of COVID-19. ", published in Molecules. 2020 Aug 28;25(17):3936. Published date: Aug 2020
Rakib A, Sami SA, Mimi NJ, Chowdhury MM, Eva TA, Nainu F, Paul A, Shahriar A, Tareq AM, Emon NU, Chakraborty S., "Immunoinformatics-guided design of an epitope-based vaccine against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 spike glycoprotein", published in Computers in biology and medicine. 2020 Sep 1;124:103967. Published date: Aug 2020
Course Name Course Activity Course Materials
Pharmaceutical Management Active
Hospital and Community Pharmacy Inactive
Physical Pharmacy-II Lab Inactive
Pharmacognosy-I Lab Inactive
Pharmacology-I Active
Pharmacology-III Lab Inactive
Basic Pharmaceutics-I Active
Medicinal Chemistry-II Active
Pharmaceutical Analysis-I Lab Active
Pharmaceutical Analysis-II Lab Inactive


Phytochemical screening and pharmacological insights of methanol stem extract of Willughbeia edulis (Roxb.) at Department of Pharmacy, University of Chittagong, supervised by Dr. Md. Kamrul Hossain, Professor, Department of Pharmacy, University of Chittagong
Duration: 12/11/2021 - 23/05/2022


Phytochemical screening and findings of analgesic and antioxidant activities of Willughbeia edulis Roxb at Department of Pharmacy, University of Chittagong, supervised by Mr. S. M. Naim Uddin, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy, University of Chittagong
Duration: 07/02/2020 - 18/03/2020

Title: National Science & Technology (NST) Fellowship 2021-22 (Registration No. 118, Merit No. 498, Course- MS, Group- Biology & Medical Sciences)

Principle Investigator: Saad Ahmed Sami (Supervised by Dr. Md. Kamrul Hossain)

Co-Investigator: N/A

Duration: 12/11/2021 - 23/05/2022

Funding Source: National Science & Technology Ministry, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh,

Awards and Honors

  • Best Student Researcher of CU 2021, awarded by Chittagong University Reasearch and Higher Study Society (CURHS) (2022)

  • 1st runner-up in the "Essay Writing Competition on World Pharmacists Day-2020, awarded by Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Dhaka (2020)

  • 2nd Runner-up in "Young Author Search 2020", awarded by American Society for Microbiology, Student Chapter of University of Dhaka (ASMDU) (2020)

  • Winner of "Contest Writing Talent Hunt-2020", awarded by Chittagong University Scientific Society (CUSS) (2020)

  • Higher Secondary Certificate Examination Scholarship-2014 (Chattogram Board), awarded by Ministry of Education, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh (2015)

Seminar Attended

  • 1st BSMIAB-COB International Conference on COVID-19 Pandemic , Organized by Bangladesh Society for Microbiology, Immunology and Advanced Biotechnology; Community of Biotechnology (6/11/2020–8/11/2020)

  • International Webinar on Emerging Infectious Diseases: An Interdisciplinary Practical Approach , Organized by Institute for Research and Community Service Universitas Sam Ratulangi; The Indonesian Society for Biotechnology and Molecular Biology – Manado Branch (3/9/2020-3/9/2020)

  • Masterclass on Pharmaceutical Science Projects And Calculations , Organized by Student Welfare Association of Pharmacy (SWAP), Gusto A Research Group and Graduate Resources Enhancing Center (GREC) (3/3/2018-3/3/2018)


Technical Skills: Microsoft Office Tools (Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Excel).

Computational Skills: Computer-aided drug design, Protein structure validation, In silico ADME/T analysis, In silico biological activity prediction, PASS prediction, DFT calculations, Global descriptor analysis, Immunoinformatics analysis, Virtual Screening, Molecular docking.

Software Skills: Schrödinger’s Maestro suite 10.1, Gaussian Suite 09, BIOVIA Discovery Studio 2019, PyMOL, Chimera 1.13rc, ChemDraw Professional 16, SPSS 25, PyRx, OpenBabel, GraphPad Prism 8.1.

Laboratory Skills: Preparation of crude extract and soluble fractions, phytochemical screening tests, open-field test, hole-board test, elevated plus-maze test, hole-cross test, DPPH antioxidant assay, castor-oil induced anti-diarrheal test, tail-immersion test, acetic acid induced writhing test.

Management Experiences: Served as a “Campus Representative" of BioSol Centre to disseminate the vital information regarding BioSol Centre’s course, training, and providing logistic support of the student communities at University of Chittagong from October 28, 2020 to October 28, 2021.

Professional Certification: "A" Grade Registered Pharmacist (Registration No: A-17413) [Pharmacy Council of Bangladesh, validity: 20/04/2022 – 19/04/2027]