Varendra University

4th Floor, Admin Block, Varendra University, Chandrima, Bypass Road

Prof. Dr. Ananda Kumar Saha

Pro-Vice Chancellor

Office of the Pro-Vice Chancellor

Education Summary Ph. D , B.Sc. (Hons.)
Name of Degree Subject Institution Board/University Year
Ph. D Microbiology University of Pune, India University of Pune, India 2002
B.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh 1979
Duration Department/Office Organization Position
17 Jun 2017 - 16 Jun 2021 Department of Zoology Rajshahi University Pro Vice Chancellor
01 Jul 1984 - 30 Jun 2023 Department of Zoology Rajshahi University Professor


Hossain, M.S., Paul, G K., Mamud, S., Saleh, M.A., Uddin, M.S., Dutta, A.K., Roy, A.K., Saha, A.K., Sheam, M., Ahmed, S., Rahman, M.M. Paul, D.K. & Biswas, S.K. , "Mixed dye degradation by Bacillus pseudomycoides and Acinetobacter haemolyticus isolated from industrial effluents: A combined affirmation with wetlab and in silico studies. ", published in Arabian journal of chemistry. 15: 1-13 Published date: Nov 2022
Nasrin, T., Saha, A.K. Mohanto, M. K., Chaity, A.S., Alam, M.J., Shawon, M.M.H. and Haque, M.F., "Reduction of Toxic Effects of Textile Dye, Basic Red-18 on Tilapia Fish by Bioremediation with a Novel Bacterium, Mangrovibacter yixingensis Strain AKS2 Isolated from Textile Wastewater.", published in Annual Research & Review in Biology. 37(11). 12-29. Published date: Jan 2022
Mohanta, M. K., Hasi, A. S., Haque. M.F. and Saha, A.K. , "Supplementation of Vitamin A and C effectively recover the Histological and Haematological Alternation caused by Mosquito Coil Smoke and Aersonal in Mice Model. ", published in Int. J. Curr. Microbiol App. Sci.5: 2223- 2237. Published date: Dec 2019
Declourization of azo dye by indigenous bacteria and its impact on seed germination. , "Nasrin,T., Saha, A.K.,Mohanto, M.K., Chaity, A.S., Rahman, S.M.A., Ruhi, R.A., Sarker, S.R and Haque, F.M.", published in Int. J. Biosci. 14: 197-210. Published date: Apr 2019
Tang, S.S., Biswas, S.K., Tan, W.S., Saha, A.K. and Leo B.F., "Efficacy and potential of phage therapy against multidrug resistant Shigella spp. ", published in Peer J 7:6225 Published date: Mar 2019
Sathi, R.S., Saha, A.K., Mohanto,M.K., Chaity, A.S., Tammanna, N., Ruhi, R.A., Rahman, M.A. and Haque, M.F., "Bacteriological Evaluation of Drinking Water of Rajshahi City, Bangladesh.", published in American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering Technology and Sciences (ASRJETS). 59(1): 230- 243. Published date: Jan 2019
Nushair, A.M., Saha A.K., Rahman, M.A., Mohanta, M.A., & Haque, M.F., "Rhizobium sp. CCNWIC119; a single strain highly effective as biofertilizer for three different peas (Pigeon pea, Sweet pea and Chick pea).", published in Legume Research. 41(5): 771-777. Published date: Jul 2018
Roy, D.C., Biswas, S.K., Saha, A.K., Sikder, B., Rahman, M., Roy, A.K., Prodhan, Z.K. and Tang, S.S., "Biodegradation of crystal violet dye by bacteria isolated from textile industry effluents.", published in PeerJ.6: DOI 10.7717/ peerj. 5015. Published date: Jun 2018
Saha, A.K.,Zehad, M.R.A., Mohanto, M.K., Haque, M.F., Ruhi, R.A. and Rahman,A.R., "Isolation and characterization of melanoidins degrading bacteria from sugar-mill effluent.", published in Indian Journal of Biological Sciences.24: 99-114. Published date: May 2018
Mohanto, M.K., Haque, M.F., Akter, S. and Saha, A.K., "Evaluation of bacterial load in traditional fast-foods of Rajshahi City and Characterization of isolated bacteria.", published in Univ.j.zool.Rajshahi.Univ. 36: 32-38. Published date: Oct 2017
Nushair, A.M., Saha A.K., Rahman, M.A., Mohanta, M.A., & Haque, M.F., "Characterization of Indigenous Rhizobium strain Isolated from lentil in Rajshahi, Bangladesh.", published in Asian J. Adv. Basic Sci. 5(1): 21-25. Published date: Sep 2017
Nushair, A.M., Saha A.K., Rahman, M.A., Mohanta, M.A., & Haque, M.F., "Genotypic Characterization of Indigenous Rhizobium strain Isolated from cultivated Cowpea (Vingna unguiculata) in Bangladesh.", published in Int. J. Curr. Microbiol App. Sci. 6(10): 2493-2502. Published date: Aug 2017
Saha, A.K., Sultana, N., Mohanta, M.K., Mandal, A., Haque,M.F. , "Identification and characterization of Azo Dye Decolourizing Bacterial Strains, Alcaligenes faecalis E5.Cd and A.faecalis Fal.3 isolated from Textile Effluents.", published in American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering Technology and Sciences (ASRJETS). 31(1): 163-175. Published date: Jul 2017
Saha, A.K., Rahman, S.M.A.R., Mohanta, M.K., Haque, M.H., Naz,S. and Ruhi,R., "Isolation and Characterization of Arsenic Resistant Bacteria from Contaminated Soil.", published in Asian J.Adv. Basic Sci.: 4(2): 104-113. Published date: Nov 2016
Mohanta, M.K., Islam, M.S. and Saha, A.K., "Antibiogram profiles of bacterial isolates from poultry feeds and moribund hens in Rajshahi, Bangladesh.", published in Imperial journal of interdisciplinary research (IJIR). 2(5): 41-46. Published date: Nov 2016
Chowdhury, M., Mostofa, M.G., Biswas, T.K., Mandal, A & Saha, A.K. , "Characterization of the effluents from leather processing industries.", published in Environ. Process. 2:173-187. DOI 1o.1007/s40710-015-0065-7. Published date: Dec 2015
49. Mohanta, M.K. and Saha, A.K., "Relationship between depression and poor sleep and blood sugar among diabetic patients. ", published in J. Life Earth Sci., 9: 41-45. Published date: Dec 2014
Islam, M.S., Mohanta, M.K., Saha, A.K., Mondol, A., Hoque, M.M. and Roy, A.K., "Carbofuran-Induced Alterations in Body Morphometrics and Histopathology of Liver and Kidneys in the Swiss Albino Mice Mus musculus L. ", published in International Journal of Scientific Research in Environmental Sciences, 2(9): 308-322. Published date: Dec 2014
Rahman, M.M., Hossain, M.D., Saha, A.K. and Islam, M.S., "Effects of euglenophytes supplemented feed on the growth and carcass composition of common carp (Cyprinus carpio var. specularis).", published in Res. J. Agric. Environ. Manage. 3(2): 137-144. Published date: Mar 2014
Rahman, M.M., Saha, A.K., Ghosh, J.K., and Hossain, M.D., "Management of euglenophytes bloom in fish pond at Rajshahi, North-west part of Bangladesh.", published in International journal of Fisheries and Aquatic studies. 1(4): 12-19. Published date: Mar 2014
Mohanta, M.K., Saha, A.K., Saleh, D.K.M.A., Islam, M.S., Mannan, K.S.B and Fakruddin, M., "Characterization of Klebsiella granulomatis pathogenic to silkworm, Bombyx mori L. 3 Biotech, 4pp. ", published in DOI 10.1007/s13205-014-0255-4. Published date: Feb 2014
Mohanta, M.K., Saha, A.K., Saleh, D.K.M.A. and Hasan, M.A., "Bioefficacy of some plant extracts against pathogenic bacteria isolated from diseased silkworm larvae.", published in Univ. j. zool. Rajshahi. Univ. 32: 09-14. Published date: Feb 2014
Roy, A.K., Mohanta, M.K. Pervin, R., Saha, A.K., Das,B. & Khan,A.S., "Hematological and Histopathological Effects of Hydros on the Hepatic, Renal and Cardiac Tissues of Albino Rat. ", published in Univ.j.zool.Rajshahi univ. 33: 25-32. Published date: Jan 2014
Rahman, A., Nahar, N., Nawani, N.N., Jass, J., Desale, P., Kapadnis, B.P., Hossain, K., Saha, A.K., Ghosh, S., Olsson, B. and Mandal, A. , "Isolation and characterization of a Lysinibacillus strain B1-CDA showing potential for bioremediation of arsenics from contaminated water.", published in Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, 49(12): 1349-1360. Published date: Jan 2014
Chowdhury, M., Mostofa, M.G., Biswas, T.K. and Saha, A.K., "Treatment of leather industrial effluents by filtration and coagulation processes. ", published in Water Resources and Industry. 3: 11-22. Published date: Dec 2013
Mohanta, M.K., Saha, A.K., Zamman, M.T. Ekram, A.E. Khan, A.S., Mannan, S.B. and Faruddin, M., "Isolation and Characterization of Carbofuran Degrading Bacteria from Cultivated Soil. ", published in Biochem. Cell. Arch. 12(2): 313-320. Published date: Apr 2012
38. Mohanta, M.K., Saha, A.K. and Hasan, M.A., "Prevalence and determination of occupational diseases of leather tannery workers. ", published in Univ. j. zool. Rajshahi univ. 31: 79-82. Published date: Feb 2012
Saha, A.K., Mohanta, M.K., Khalequzzaman, M. and Biswas, P. , "Detection of Thalassaemia Trait at Rajshahi Region, Bangladesh. ", published in J. Med. & Allied Health Sciences. 1(2): 32-36. Published date: Jan 2012
Saha, A.K., Roy, A.K., Khan, A.S. Mohonta, M.K. and Das, V., "Histopathological and histochemical effects of melamine on the renal and hepatic tissues of rabbit (Orytolagus cunuculus).", published in J. Adv. Zool. 32(1): 1-8. Published date: Dec 2011
Mohanta, M.K., Salam, M.A. and Saha, A.K., "Effects of tannery effluents on germination and seedling growth of some crops.", published in 17: 30-36. Published date: Nov 2011
Das, B., Ferdousi, Z., Roy, A.K., Mollah, H. and Saha, A.K. , "Changes in rat blood profile and blood chemistry after repeated inhalation of endosulfan. ", published in J. Asiat. Soc. Bangladesh,Sci. 37(1): 75-79. Published date: Oct 2011
Saha, A.K. and Mohanta, M.K., "Brancroftian Elephantiasis in Nilphamari, Bangladesh. ", published in Maymansing Medical Journal .20(1): 40-44. Published date: Sep 2011
B. Das, Kawser Pervin, A.K. Roy, Z. Ferdousi and Saha, A.K., "Toxic effect of prolonged endosulfan exposure on some blood parameters in Albino rat.", published in J.Life Earth Sci. 5: 29-32. Published date: Dec 2010
Mohanta, M.K., Salam, M.A., Saha, A.K. and Mandal, A, "Microbial bioremediation of effluents from tanning industry in Bangladesh.", published in Int. J. Env.Sci. 1(2): 155-167. Published date: Nov 2010
Mohanta, M.K., Salam, M.A., Saha, A.K., Hasan, A. and Roy, A.K. , "Effects of tannery effluents on survival and histopathological changes in different organs of Channa punctatus. ", published in ASIAN J. EXP.BIOL.SCI. 1(2): 294-302. Published date: Sep 2010
Saha, A.K and Mohanta, M.K., "Histo-Hematological changes in lung of albino rats following exposure to wood smoke. ", published in Indian Journal of Biological Sciences. 15:56-62. Published date: Dec 2009
Saha, A.K., Haque, M.F., Karmaker, S. and Mohanta, M.K. , "Antibacterial effects of some antiseptics and disinfectants.", published in J. Life Earth Science. 3-4:19-21. Published date: Nov 2009
Das, B., Ferdousi, Z., Roy, A.K., Mollah, H. and Saha, A.K., "Effects of inhaled endosulfan on the renal and hepatic tissues of albino rat. ", published in Bangladesh J. Zool. 37(2): 313-318. Published date: Oct 2009
Saha, A.K., Haque, M.F. and Rhaman, M.M., "Abundance of earthworms in differtent habitats of Rajshahi University and Sugar mill areas. ", published in Bangladesh J. Zool. 37(1): 69-74. Published date: Sep 2009
Saha, A.K, M.K. Mahanto and R. Laz., "Histopathological and Histochemical Effects of Chlropyriphos on the Renal and Hepatic Tissues of Albino Rat. ", published in j.genet.biotechnol. 7 (1&2): 61-64. Published date: Jan 2006
Saha, A.K., Akhter, M.A., Haque, M.F., Salam, M.A. Rahman, M.A. and Laz, R. , "A Comparative account of the seasonal variation of circulating blood cells of toad, Bufo melanostictus and wall lizard Hemiductylus flaviviridis. ", published in Univ.j.zool. Rajshahi Univ. 24:39-42. Published date: Nov 2005
Saha, A.K., Mohonta, M.K., Rahman, A. and Salam, M.A., "Plasmid mediated degradation of carbofuran by bacteria. ", published in Bangladesh j.genet.biotechnol. 6 (1&2):29-32. Published date: Oct 2005
Saha, A.K. and Haque, F. , "Effect of inoculation with Rhizobium on nodulation and growth of bean, Dolichos lablab.", published in J.Life Earth Science. 1(1):71-74. Published date: Jan 2005
Saha, A.K., Zaman, R. and Khatun, R. , "Influence of family size relationship of blood pressure with circumferences in the female students of Rajshahi University, Bangladesh. ", published in Univ.j.zool.Rajshahi univ. 22: 33-39. Published date: Feb 2004
Khalequzzaman, M, Saha, A.K., and Begum, R. , "Cypermethrin Inhalation Induced Renal Lesions in Albino Rats. ", published in Bangladesh j.genet.biotechnol. 5: 69-72. Published date: Jan 2004
Saha, A.K. and Kapadnis, B.P. , "Green fluorescent protein as marker to monitor the fate of Rhizobium sp. released into the rhizosphere of Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.)Walp] and Green gram [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilezeck].", published in Asian Jr. of Microbiol. Biotech & Env. Sc. 4(3): 309-316. Published date: Dec 2002
Saha, A.K. and Kapadnis, B.P., "Effect of adhesives on population of green fluoresence protein (gfp) marked Rhizobium on legume seeds and their germination. ", published in Bangladesh j.genet.biotechnol. 2: 133-141. Published date: Feb 2002
Saha, A.K. and Haque, M.F., "Effect of soil quality on the viability of GFP marked Rhizobium. ", published in Univ.j.zool.Rajshahi univ. 21: 59-61. Published date: Jan 2002
Saha, A.K., Despande, M.V. and Kapadnis, B.P., "Studies on survival of Rhizibium in the carriers at different temperatures using green fluroscent protein marker. ", published in Current Science. 80(5), 669-671. Published date: Dec 2001
Saha, A.K and Kapadnis, B.P., "Effect of inoculam density on survival rate of Rhizobium carrying reporter gene gfp in different soils. ", published in Asian Jr. of Microbiol. Biotech. & Env.l Sc. 3(6), 20-25. Published date: Nov 2001
Saha, A.K and Kapadnis, B.P. , "Reporter gene, gfp for monitoring survival of Rhizobium in soils. ", published in Indian J. Microbiol. 3(41),153-156. Published date: Feb 2001
Saha, A.K., Sabuj, S.A. and Gazi, M.R., "Nutritive effects of ascorbic acid supplemented on some economic characters of the silkworm, Bombyx mori L. ", published in Univ.j.zool.Rajshahi Univ. 20:49-52. Published date: Jan 2001
Chowdhury, A.H., Mossadik, M.A., Bhuyan, S.A., Rahman, M.H., Saha, A.K. and Hossain, M., "Plasmid mediated degeneration of phenol by two bacterial strains, Pseudomonas sp. and Staphylococcus sp. ", published in Pakistan J. Bio. Sci. 3(6) 939-942. Published date: Dec 2000
Saha, A.K., Rahman, M.S., Saha, B.N., Alam, R.A., Mandal, S.P. and Yasmeen, F., "Effect of antibiotics on lipid and water contents of Silkworm, Bombyx mori L. ", published in Pakistan J. Zool. 27(4), 291-294. Published date: Dec 1995
Saha, A.K., Saha, B.N. and Uddin, M., "Effect of proline and leucine on the growth and development of Silkworm, Bombyx mori L. ", published in Univ. J. Zool. Rajshahi Univ. 13, 75-79. Published date: Nov 1995
Saha, A.K., Rahman, M.S., Saha, B.N., Rahman, M. and Das, B.K., "Effect of antibiotics on the growth and rearing performance of Silkworm, Bombyx mori L.", published in J. Asiatic Soc. Bangladesh (Sc.) 21(2), 289-292. Published date: Nov 1995
Saha, A.K., Rahman, M.S. and Mondal. T., "A preliminary note on haematological studies on person engaged in different occupation. ", published in Univ. J. Zool. Rajshahi Univ. 13, 71-84. Published date: Oct 1995
Rahman, M.S. and Saha, A.K. , "Detection of amino acids in the Silkgland of the silkworm, Bombyx mori L. ", published in Univ. J. Zool. Rajshahi Univ. 4, 21-25. Published date: Oct 1995
Rahman, M.S. and Saha, A.K. , "Water and Lipid content in fifth instar larva of Silkworm, Bombyx mori L. ", published in Univ. J. Zool. Rajshahi Univ. 3, 67-70. Published date: Nov 1994
Saha, A.K., Rahman, M.S. and Das, R.R., "Detection of amino acids in the silkgland of the Eri-Silkworm, Samia cynthia ricini (Boisd.) in Bangladesh.", published in Bull. Sericult. Res. 5, 73-76. Published date: Oct 1994
Haque, R., Saha, A.K. and Nargis, S., "Biochemical changes in protein composition due to parental aging in Drosophila melanogaster.", published in Univ. J. Zool. Rajshahi Univ. 12, 121-125. Published date: Sep 1993
Saha, A.K., "Biological control. Proceedings of first symposium on Inter organizational cooperation for research and development in northern region of Bangladesh. ", published in Organized by BAAS Local Chapter, Rajshahi, October 22. 1, 18-20. Published date: Oct 1992
Haque, R., Rahman, M.S., Saha, A.K. and Ahsan, S., "Developmental variability in the distribution of free amino acids in haemolymph of in breed lines in Bombyx mori.", published in Pakistan J. Zool. 22(3), 217-222. Published date: Dec 1990
Rahman, M.S., Saha, A.K. and Hossasin, I., "Haematological Studies on Pigeon, Columba livia L. (Columbidae, Columbiformes) and Fowl, Gallus domesticus (L.) (Gallacidae,Galliformes) ", published in Univ. J. Zool. Rajshahi Univ. 7, 57-59. Published date: Sep 1988


Microbial Degradation of Effluents from Tanning Industry in Bangladesh at Rajshahi University, supervised by Prof. Dr. Ananda Kumar Saha
Duration: 30/07/2005 - 26/06/2009

Seminar Attended

  • The symposium on Inter Organizational cooperation for research and development in northern region of Bangladesh, Organized by BASS Local Chapter held in Rajshahi University (October 22, 1992)

  • The Brighton Crop Protection Conference on pest and diseases , Organized by Brighton Centre and Brighton Metrole (UK) (November 19-22, 1990)

  • Indian Science Congress , Organized by University of Pune, India (January 3-7, 2000)

  • 13 Biennial National Conference of the Zoological Society of Bangladesh , Organized by Dhaka University (February 2001)

  • National Zoological Conference, Organized by Dhaka University (April 2003.)

  • International Conference of SAARC Countries on Biotechnology in Agriculture, Industry and Environment , Organized by at Karad, Maharastra, India (28-30 December 2001)

  • Frontiers in Biotechnology, Organized by Trivendrum, India (26-29 November 1997)

  • “Leather industrial Effluents: Chemical and Microbial Approaches to Reduce the Toxicity for Green Environment”, Organized by Institute of Environmental Science, University of Rajshahi (24-25 September 2016)

  • Association of Microbiologists of India , Organized by the Central Institute of Fresh Water Aquaculture Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneswar, India (22-24 January 2000)

  • 13 and 17 Annual Science Conference, Organized by Rajshahi University and Institute of Post graduate studies in Agriculture (Dhaka) (1987 and1992)

  • 4 and 8 National Zoological Conference, Organized by Rajshahi University (1983 and 1992)

  • Environmental Management in the 21st Century: Problems and Perspectives, Organized by the Department of Environmental Science, Pune, India (19-20 December 1997)

  • “Detection and Enumeration of E.coli bacteria in drinking water at Rajshahi City”, Organized by Zoological Society of Bangladesh (18 March, 2022)

  • International Conference on Microbial Biotechnology, Trade and Public Policy, Organized by the Department of Microbiology, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India (15-17 July 2000.)

  • Development of Microbial Pesticides and Insect Pest Management, Organized by Pune, India (12-13 November 1998)

  • National Botanical Conference, Organized by Rajshahi University (12 January 2002)

  • Killer disease AIDS and people’s awareness of the Catastrophe, Organized by Department of Population Science and Human Resource Development, University of Rajshahi in cooperation with UNFFPA (11 December 2003.)