The BSS honors course in Sociology is an integrated four academic years (twelve semesters) program and each academic year has three semesters- January to April, May to August and September to December. The program includes courses of both theoretical and applied in nature, but more emphasis is given on the applications of the sociological techniques to real life situations. The course is so designed that after successful completion, the graduates are equipped to work efficiently and completely in government and non-government organizations, research organizations, service departments and other related fields.
The examination consists of twelve parts, one at the end of each semester. Student with high academic attainment in S.S.C and H.S.C. or equivalent levels with Arts and Social science background is eligible for admission. The regulations for admission of the students and the examinations will be same as those of the BSS honors courses in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
4 Hours/week, 4 Credits
What is Sociology: Origin and growth of Sociology as a discipline. Doing Sociology: Methods and techniques of research. Primary Concepts: Society, Community, Association, Institution, Group, Norms and Values. Social Process: Socialization, Cooperation, Competition and Conflict, Assimilation and Accommodation. Social Institutions: Family, Marriage, Property, Religion and other Economic and Political Institutions. Culture and Civilization: Material and non-material Culture, Acculturation, Cultural Diffusion, Culture and Civilization. Sociological Topologies: Static and Dynamics, Organic and Mechanical Solidarity, Gemeinschaft and Gesselschaft, Anomie and Alienation, Folkways and Mores, Social Functions and Social Actions. Social Structure: Components of Social Structure; Stratification; Class, Status and Power; Hegemony and Discourse; Theories of Social Structure. Population and Environment: Population Growth, Ecological Balance, Ecosystem, Environmental Problems in Sociological perspectives. Social Change: Theories, Change, Progress, and Evolution. Social Problems: Nature of Social Problems; Types of social Problems. Deviant Behavior: Crime, Violence, Substance abuse; Inequality: Poverty, Ethnicity, Gender, Work, Education and Environmental problems. Social Mobility: Minority groups, Relations and Reactions. Population and Health: Aging Problems.
3 Hours/week, 3 Credits
History of Human Civilizations: Its meaning, importance and scope- its relation with sociology, Different approaches to the study of history of human civilizations: Archaeological, Economic, Anthropological, and Sociological. Origin and Evolution of Society: Primitive, Pastoral, Agricultural, and Industrial., Various Civilizations : (a) Civilizations in river-valley regions- Egyptian, Babylonian, Indus and Chinese Civilizations; (b) Greek & Roman Civilizations. Oriental and Occidental Civilizations: Comparative Perspectives. Ancient Civilizations of Bangladesh: Paharpur, Mainamati and Mahastangarr. Modes of Production: Ancient (Slavery), Asiatic, Feudal and Modern Bourgeois (Capitalism). Controversies relating to Asiatic mode of production and feudalism with regard to the oriental societies.
Theory: 3 Hours/week, 3 Credits
Social History: Concept, Scope and its relation with Sociology and History, Historical Development from Ancient to Mughal Era- An overview of Gupta, Paul and Sen. Origin and Development of Bengal Village- Origin and Development of Bengal Land Tenure System. Various concepts of Village Community in Pre-British India: Economic Structure of the Village Community of Pre-British India and Bengal- Factors responsible for the change during the period of transition from Muslim rule to British rule- Land Tenure system in Pre-British Bangladesh- Controversies regarding the existence of private property in land in the Western sense in the Pre-British India and Bengal. Permanent Settlement Act of 1793 and its results: Differential spread of Sub- infeudation process in the land system of East and West Bengal and its impact upon agrarian class structure of different tenancy laws and their influences upon the peasant society of Bengal.
Problems with: Main Verbs, tense, modals and modal related patterns, causatives, conditionals, subjunctives, infinitives, Have + Participle, Auxiliary Verbs, pronouns, relative pronouns, nouns and adjectives, nouns functioning as adjectives and other parts of speech, determiners, comparatives, prepositions, modifiers, sentence and clauses. Word Choices- Vocabulary, antonym, synonym, homonym, homograph, homophone; Wh questions ; Punctuations- Full stop, comma, ccolon, semi-colon, apostrophe, capital letter, hyphen, quotation marks, titles etc. Writing Composition and Paragraph; Comprehension; Letter writing; Seminar or Research Paper Writing and Presentation; IPA Symbols.
3 Hours/week, 3 Credits
Introduction to Statistical Analysis: Definition, Function of Statistics, Relationship between statistics and Sociology, Problems of Generalization and Prediction in Sociology. Meaning and Measurement of Social Data: Nature and Classification of Data, Meaning and Measurement, Level of Measurement, Measurement in Sociology. Describing Data: Frequency Distribution; Graphic Presentation: Bar Diagram, Line Graph, Pie Chart, Histogram and Polygon, Stem and leaf display etc.; Proportion, Percentage, Ratio and Rates. Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion: The Arithmetic Mean, The Median, The Mode, Quartiles and Percentiles, Range, Inter quartile Range, Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation, Variance, Coefficient of Variation and Index of Dispersion. Normal Distribution: The Normal Curve, Area Under the Normal Curve, Use of Normal Curve. Sampling: Logic of Sampling; Sampling Representative ness, Non-Probability and Probability Sampling procedure, Central Limit Theorem and the Law of Large Number; Point and interval Estimates of Parameters; Estimating Sample Size for mean and Proportion. Probability: Basic Principles. The binomial distribution: Permutation and Combination, Addition and Multiplication Rules.
3 Hours/week, 3 Credits
English Education and the uneven development of educated middle class among the Hindus and the Muslims in Bengal- Emergence of various new social classes- Rise of commercial and industrial capitalist class. Social Movements: Raja Ram Mohan Roy etc. Rise of Nationalism: Indian Nationalism- Muslim Nationalism- Partition of India and Bengal. Peasant Movement of Bengal in 1946-47: East Pakistan State Acquisition and Tenancy Act of 1950 and its effect upon the social structure of Bangladesh. Language Movement and its implication: Rise of Bengali Nationalism. Liberation movement of Bangladesh: Election of 1954; Six Point Movement of 1966; Movement of 1969; Election of 1970; Liberation War of 1971. Socio-economic and Political development during post- independent Bangladesh- (a) Economic Policies: Nationalization; Denationalization; Structural Adjustment. (b) Political crisis during different regimes: Role of Bureaucracy and Political Party; Military Rule and Move towards Democratization; (c) Decentralization policies, An over view of advent of the British rule.
3 Hours/week, 3 Credits
Anthropology: Definition, Nature, Scope and Methods of Anthropology and Cultural Anthropology, Theories of Anthropology Branches of Anthropology: Physical, Social and Cultural, Evolution of Man; The Primates, Homo Sapiens and Modern Man Concept of culture: Origin of the concept of culture; Culture vs nature; Paradoxes of culture; Patterns of culture; Cultural universals; Bangladesh culture Marriage and family: definitions, functions and types of marriage and family Kinship: Typology, Bases and Role of Kinship, Kinship System in Bangladesh Religion and magic: Origin of religion, functions of religion, religion and cultural change, Distinction between religion and magic, Magical practices and its influences on society, Totem and taboo, Ritual and rites and magic Production system: Food gathering economy, Hunting and gathering, Food producing economy (ί) Pastoralism (ίί) Horticulture and (ίίί) Agriculture Exchange System: Reciprocity, redistribution and leveling mechanism. Kula ring, Potlatch etc. Political Organization: Uncentralized political system- band organization and tribal organization; Centralized political system- chiefdoms and state systems Concept of race: Definition and theories on the origin of race. Race and Ethnicity: Ethnic Groups and Tribal Community in Bangladesh.
2Hours/week, 1 Credit
3 Hours/week, 3 Credits
Definition of Economy: Economics and its Subject Matter, Relations between Economics and Sociology Some Basic Concepts of Economics : Supply, Demand, Market, Rent, Wage, Interest, Capital, Credit, National Income and Product Income and Inequality: Determinants of Income and Inequality, Economic Dimension of Social Inequality Historical Development of Economic Sociology: Social Aspects of Economic Thought (Mercantilism, Adam Smith, Ricardo, Marx, Keyenes, etc.), Economic Aspect of Social Thought (Spencer, Durkheim, Weber), Economic Development in 19th Century Social Structure and Economy: Base and super structure, Evolution of Economy and Types of Society Economy and other Social Sub-system: Economy and Culture, Economy and Political Politics, Economy and Kinship and Ethnic Groupings Major Historical Changes: Industrial Revolution, Mechanization, Green Revolution, Transportation and Globalization Economic Process: Production, Distribution and Exchange, money and Market Consumption, Leisure Class, Alienated Labor Labor Market: Types of Labor Markets, Labor Union as an Occupational Association, Social Factors related to Work Group Economy and Development: Characteristics of Underdeveloped Economies, Essential Pre-requisite of Development, Sociological Aspects of Economic Development.
3 Hours/week, 3 Credits
Introduction: Definition of social psychology; Subject matter and scope of social psychology; Relationship of social psychology with sociology Group and individual: Primary group and secondary group; Socialization process; Agencies of socialization process; Group dynamics Perception and sensation: Theories of perception and sensation Motivation: Biogenic and sociogenic motivation Behavior: Instinctive behavior vs learned behavior; Learning; Theories of learning- Thorndike, Pavlov, Skinner Attitude: Attitude formation and attitude change; Scales to measure attitude – Thurston scale, Likert scale, Bogardus scale Personality: Personality and culture; Impact of culture on personality formation and development; Theories of personality development – Freud, Adler, etc. Leadership: Process of leadership; Types of leadership Mass behavior: crowd, audience, mob, rumour, fashion, fad, craze, propaganda Public opinion: Processes and factors of public opinion; Agencies of public opinion
3 Hours/week, 3 Credits
Social Structure: Definition of Social Structure, Theories of Social Structure, Social Stratification, Social Institution and Change Social Structure of Pre-colonial Bengal: Economy and Culture in Pre-British Bengal Indian Feudalism in Comparison with European Feudalism Nature of Villages and Urban Economy in Pre-British Bengal Social Structure of Colonial Bengal (British Period): British Conquest of Bengal and its Consequences, English Education and the Raise of Educated Middle Class, Introduction of New Land Tenure System and the Emergence of New Social Classes, Consequences of British Rule, Destruction of Indigenous Economy, Commercialization of Agriculture and its Linkages with World Economy, Growth of Urban Centers Major Characteristics of Social Structure of Bangladesh: Rise of Bengalese Middle Classes and the Emergence of Bangladesh, Class Formation, Class Relation and Class Conflict in Rural and Urban Centers Social Structure of Post Independence Bangladesh: land Reforms, Changes in Power Structure Impact of Urbanization and Industrialization Structural Causes of Social Unrest, Disorder and Social Disorganization Structural Problems and Development in Recent Bangladesh.
2Hours/week, 1 Credit
3 Hours/week, 3 Credits
Nature and Characteristics of Science; Sociology as a Science; Sociology and social Reality; Problems of Objectivity in Sociology; Question of Values in sociology; Sociology and Code of Ethics; Reliability & validity of Social data, Scientific Method- Theory and Research. Language and Logic of Science in Sociology: Basic Elements of Research- Symbols, Concepts, Variables, Propositions, Statements – forms of theoretical statement. Types of Research: Pure, Applied, Action, Operational, Evaluation- Monitoring. Research Steps and Design: Research Method and Techniques: Observation, Survey, Case Study, Content Analysis, PRA, RRA, Historical, Philosophical, Experimental, Exploratory; Research Instruments: Interview Guide, Interview Schedule; Sampling: Probability and Non-Probability Sampling; Sample Size Calculations; Data Collection Procedures & Observation: Participation, Interviews, Questionnaire; Data Measurement in Scales- Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio; Preparation of Data for Analysis: editing and coding, Data analysis: (a)Quantitative: Tabulations: Univariate, Bivariate, Multivariate Data Analysis; Use of Statistics, Measures of Reliability & Validity, Hypothesis Testing;(b) Qualitative: Content analysis, Triangulation. etc. Report writings. History and philosophy of Research methods.
3 Hours/week, 3 Credits
Social Thought in the Antiquity: Greek Philosophers- Plato (427-347 BC)- Basis of State-Concept of Justice Plato’s Communism- Aristotle (384-322 BC) – Origin and Nature of the State- Aristotle’s Attitude Towards Slavery- Theory of Property- The Middle Classes- Causes and Prevention of Revolution; Medieval Social Thought: St. Augustine (354-430 AD) – Foundation of State- The Earthly and the Heavenly City-St. Thomas Aquinas (1226-1274)- Natural Law and Human Law; Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406)- `Assabiyya’ (Social Solidarity) and its difference with that of Durkheim- Causes of the Rise and Fall of Civilization- Modern Social Thought: Machiavelli (1469-1527)- Rise of bourgeois Ideology- Conception of Evolution of Society- `Material Interest’ and `Power’ as the driving forces of History- Conflict of Interests between the Masses and the Ruling Classes- Hobbes (1588-1679)- The State of Nature- The Meaning of Social Contract; Civil Law and Natural Law; Locke (1632-1704) – The State of Nature- Conceptions of Slavery, Property and Political Society; Vico (1668-1744) – Theory of the Evolution of nation- Decline of Human Society- Montesquieu (1689-1755)- The Social Foundations of Governments- Religions and the Forms of State- Influence of Geography, Rousseau (1712-1778)- Civil State- General Will- Origin of Private Property and Rise of Social Inequality; Hegel (1770-1831)- Hegel’s Philosophy and Bourgeois Development in Germany- Nature of Hegel’s Dialectics;
3 hours/week ,3 credits
Rural sociology: Definition, scope and importance, development of rural sociology: theoretical problems of rural sociology. Rural social structure: Pattern of rural class, land ownership and tenancy relation; landlessness and wage labor relations. Rural power structure: nature, rural elite, relationship between rural elite and national power structure, kinship relationship and rural power structure ,nature and functions of village community(gram samaj).Rural Institutions formal and informal rural institutions. Nature of Peasant Society: Definition of peasantry; Theory and Concepts regarding Peasantry: Organization production school; Lenin’s model of peasant polarization; Shanin’s model of rural mobility, Patnaik’s debate. Rural Development: Definition and importance of rural development; issues and strategies of rural development, Agricultural Development: Introduction; adoption and consequences of new programs; technology and institutions.
2Hours/week, 1 Credit
3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits
Introduction: Definition, Scope and Importance of Medical Sociology; Relation of Medical Sociology with other Branches of Sociology.Methods of Medical Sociology: Theories, Models, Paradigms and Concepts of Medical Sociology Models of Health and Illness: Medical Model of Health and Illness (Mechanistic view), Social Model of Health and Illness (Social Structure, Social Class, Social Network, Ecology and their Relation to Health and Illness) Dimensions, Determinants and Indicators of Health: Perception of Health and Illness, Health Belief System, Cultural Construction of Health Etiology of Illness: Theory of Humor, Germ and Bug Theory, Epidemiological Triad, Multi-causation Theory, Exposure-copping Model, Culture Blaming vs. Blaming the Victims Approach Remedial Measures: Evolution of Medicine, Ethno-medicine, Folk Medicine, Alternate Healing System in Cross-cultural Context Health Seeking Behavior: Health Belief Model, Healthcare Utilization Model/Anderson Model Political Economy of Health: Health in Market Economy and Centrally Planned Economy, Constraints on People’s Access to Health Services, Doctor-patient Relationship Nature of Health Services: Convergence Theory, Intermediate Technology Development Group, Soft Technological Determinism and its Implication in Bangladesh, Primary Health Care: Principles, Elements and Strategies of Primary Health Care Health Policy: Legislation and Health Management System in Bangladesh, Evaluation of Adopted Strategies
3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits
Introduction: Definition, field and relevance of Urban Sociology; Concept, Theories, and methods in Urban Sociology Development of City (analytical/historical): (a) Contrasting definition-characteristics common to natural cities-measurement of degree of urbanieness-principles and factors in location of cities-comparative size of cities; (b) Origin and development-per-historic cities-first classical urban revolution-decline of classic cities; (c) Feudal cities-revival, physical structure, characteristics and decline renaissance cities-second urban revolution-comparison between European and pre-capitalist Indian cities; (d) Urban growth in America-pre-industrial and industrial-immigrants problems, reform movement urban imagery, ambivalence, myth of rural virtue, Pre-industrial and industrial cities-Why cities have developed, spreaded and declined Theories of urban growth: (a) Historical School- social psychological school- early trends in American city theory, the rise of ecological school-Alternative theories-contemporary ecology- Social area analysis, factorial ecology; (b) Rural-Urban dimension in pre-industrial, transitional and industrial societies-Folk-urban continuum. Urban institution and problems Family and marriage education, school and Welfare-Leisure time activities-religion and activities-neighborhoods, networks and association. The social psychology of urban life b) Municipality and state- local government-political party – Government and politics-informal structure and division c) Urban economic organization-development of contemporary economy- problems of human relation in urban economy-corporate bureaucracy-Employment trends- Labor force market Persistent urban space; [problems, Urban crime, Unrest and social control- ethnic and racial minorities-social classes in the majority population-Disorganized areas- Effects on personality Third world urbanization .New urban sociology-scale and pace of urbanization-world population change-changing role of cities-the inhabitants- current problems in developing cities. Extended urbanization in South East Asia. Bangladesh perspective- Spatial growth, Urban social structure, Informal sector development, Urban governance.
3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits
The study of social problems: Definition of Social Problem, Social Problems and Sociology, Social Processes and Social Problems Perspectives of Social Problems: Social Pathology Perspective, Social Disorganization Perspective, Value Conflict Perspective, Deviance Perspective, Labeling Perspective The Problems of Economy: The Nature of Poverty, The Range of Unemployment, Agriculture, Business and Industrial Issues, Characteristics of Underdevelopments The Problems of Education: Profile of Universal Education, Social Class, Education and Deprivation, Problem of Quality Education The problems of family: Family as Controlling Institution, Marriage, Dowry and Conjugal Disturbance, Family Violence and Children The Problems of Social Inequality and Welfare: Poor, Sock Elderly, Women, Minorities and the Disadvantaged, Lack of Essential Services- Education, Health, Housing, Recreation and Food, Vested Interests, Resource-Poor and Social Welfare Population and Environment: Population Growth, Trafficking and Migration, Environmental Degradation Conformity and Deviance: Sexual Behavior, Deviant Behavior and Mass Media, Prostitution and Pornography, Mental Disorder and Drug Addiction, Crime and Juvenile Delinquency, Bribery, Grabbing and Extortion, Terrorism, Violence and Reformation Institution, Community and Police Role in Perspective Politics and social unrest: Lack of Political Culture, Student Politics and Personal life, State as Agency of Oppression Prospects of the Perspectives and other Theories: The Challenge of Sociology in Developing Countries
3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits
Subject Matter and Scope of Social Gerontology, Development of Social Gerontology as a Separate Branch of Study and its Relationship with other Social Sciences. Major Concepts of Social Gerontology: Generation, Maturation and Social Age, Aging (Elderly, Old Age). Research Methods. in Social Gerontology: Cross-sectional Research, Longitudinal Research, Cohort-analysis, Survey Methods, Case Study, Data Sources on the Elderly People. Demography of Aging: Age Structure, Median Age, Population Pyramids, Vital Rates, Dependency Ratio, Population Projection. Life Expectancy and Life cycle. Theories of Aging: The Activity Theory, The Disengagement Theory, Socio-environmental Theory, The Multiple-stress Theory, The Age Stratification and the Phenomenological Theory. Health and Aging: Physical Decline, Nutrition Problem, Changes in Reproductive Capacity of Women Health Status, The Framework of Diseases- Acute and Chronic Condition. Aging and Family: Family Roles and Social Relations, Intergenerational Relations and Exchange, Generational Independence, Grandparent Role, the Conjugal Relationship, Aging and Sexuality. Economy of Aging: Work, Retirement and Leisure, Relation between Attitude to Work and Attitude to Retirement, Changes in Productive Capacity, The Economic Impact on an Aging Population. Social Problem and Aging: Behaviour, Medicaid and Medicare Abuse, Housing and Institutions, Retirement Communities, Income, Dependency, Aging as a Social Problem. Aging in Bangladesh: The Nature of Aging in the Rural and Urban Areas, Religion and Aging, Death, Health and Diseases, Health Care System in Bangladesh- Policy and Programmes for the Welfare of Aged People.
3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits
Definitions of Science, Technology and Society, Relationship between Science, Technology and Society, Technologies of Colonization and Conquest, Bridging Nature and Society. Theories and Events concerning Science, Technology and Society, Human Technology Interactions. Technology Transfer: Impact of Society, Adaptation of Technology, Technology and Behaviour, Relationship between Technology and Race, Technology and Gender and Technology and Class. Technology and Industrialization, Arts and Industrialization. Technology and its Development in the Society, Production and Technology and its Impact. Technological Development, Education and Modern Socialization. Social and Political Implications of the New Technology. The Transportation and Communication Revolution. Technology and the War. Technology and Arts at the Apex of Machine Age. Technology and Bangladesh Society and Culture. Nature’s Revenge: Technology and the Environment.
SOC 210 Crime and Deviance
3 Hours/week, 3 Credits
Criminology: Criminology as a sub-discipline; Research Methods in Criminology. Crime and Criminal: Problems of Defining crime and criminal; Legal Definition of crime and sociological definition of crime, nature of crime. Crime & Sin, Crime & Immorality- Ferri, Garofalo, Goring, Hooton, etc.; Psychological Approach – Freudian Psycho analysis and Crime – Feeble mindness and Crime, Psychopathic Personality and Crime; Sociological Approach – Durkheim’s Theory of Anomie; Merton’s Theory of Deviant Behavior; Interactions Perspective, Symbolic Interactionism and Meaning of crime to the Criminal; Labeling Theory; Sutherland’s Theory of Differential Association; Fillin’s Theory of Differential Interaction; Economic Approach – Economic Factors and Crime; Marxist Criminology; Institutional and Multiple Factor Approaches. Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Delinquent Etiology of Delinquency; Juvenile Court. White Collar Crime: Problem of Definition, Nature and Etiology of White Collar Crime. Social Dimension and Crime: Gender and Crime; Race, Crime and Criminal Justice. Recidivism: Nature of Recidivism; Etiology of and Solution to Recidivism. Penology: Punishment – Theories of Punishment and limitation of Punishment; Forms of Punishment. Correction and Prevention of Crime: Correctional Methods; Probation and Parole; Measures for Preventing Crime. Crimes and Juvenile Delinquency in Bangladesh: Etiology, Penology and Correctional Methods.
2 Hours/Week, 1 Credit
SOC 301 Practice of Social Research
3 Hours/week, 3 credit
Basic concepts of Methodology and Research in Sociology: Concepts, Conceptualization and Operationalisation, Theory, Hypothesis, Methods and Research. Quantitative Research Methods: Observation Method, Social Survey Method, Content Analysis, etc. Planning and Designing Research: Selecting Problem or Topic of Research, Identifying Sources of Information, Strategies for Over-all Management of the Research, Processing and Organizing Quantitative Data, Classification and Tabulation of Data, Analysis of Tables and Referring to Conceptual Framework. Qualitative Research Methods: Text Analysis, Field notes, Documents Use, Audio-visual Recording, Case Study, Transcripts, Unobtrusive Technique, Ethnography, Use of Diaries, Focus Group Discussion, Participatory Methods(s), RRA/PRA, etc. Some other Methods in Social Research: Historical Method, Comparative Method, Sociometry, Experimental Method, etc. Reporting Quantitative and Qualitative Research Findings and Art of Presentation.
3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits
Geographic Regions and the Ethnic Settlement in Bangladesh: A socio-cultural History of Settlement in South Asia. Development of Ethnicity, Race and Nationalism: Theoretical Orientation. Ethnic People of Chittagong HT: Chakma, Marma, Tipra, Tanchangya Khasis and Manipuri of Sylhet. Garos and Hajong of Mymensingh Region. Ethnic Communities of Bangladesh: Santals, Oraon, Mug, Paharia, Rajbangshi, Munda, Mahoto, and Rakhains Pattern of Land Ownership and Private Property in Ethnic Communities, Techniques of Food Getting. Ethnic Identity vs National Identity. Education, Administration and Cultural Change in Ethnic Communities.
3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits
1.Historical Background of the Development of Feminist and Gender Studies : Concept of feminism and gender; establishment of gender studies as a separate discipline: gender studies and women Studies ; Gender and feminist Theory : Politics of Reproduction- Ethnomethodological Viewpoint. 2. Gender and Social Inequality: Universal Subordination of Women : Theoretical Debates : Socio-biological Argument ;Materialist Conception; Private Vs Public Analysis; Psychoanalytic Perspective; Environmental Debates; Ideological Issues. Relative position of man and woman in the society ; Division of labor, Prejudice and Discrimination-degree ; Biological, Psychological and Cultural Evidences, Ideological perspective and Cultural construction of Gender relation and Gender rule; 3. Sociological Perspectives on Sex and Gender: Theories of Sex role Socialization- Functionalism, Symbolic Interactions, Conflict. 4. Contextual analysis of social, economic, political and legal issues of women in relation to gender . 5. Discrimination of Women in Work [Empirical Issues]: Women and Class; Patriarchy and Maternal economy and Domestication of Women labour, Industrialized economy and Dual labor market : Women employment as Cheap labor ;Women and Social mobility; 6. Women’s Movement for Liberation: Global, Regional and National perspectives; Theories of women’s liberation: Socialist feminism Radical feminism; Women rights feminism 7. Integration of women in development process. 8. Women and environment. 9. Women in Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects of gender studies in Bangladesh; Situation analysis Economic, Social, political and legal. Violence against women Women’s movement in Bangladesh. Boserup – Women’s role in Economic Development Barbara Beckard – The Women’s Movement Women For Women – Women for Women in Bangladesh, 1975. and offer words.
2 Hours/Week, 1 Credit
3 Hours/week, 3 Credits
Introduction to the Sociological Study of Education: Definition, Scope and Importance of Sociology of Education, Origin and Development of Sociology of Education, Research Methods in Sociology of Education Functions of Education: Socialization, Passing of Culture, Social Control and Personal Development, Change and Innovation Types of Education: Formal, Informal and Non-formal Education Thoughts and Theories of Education: Confucius, Plato, Rousseau, Marx, Weber, Durkheim, Manheim, Russell, Parsons and the Contemporaries Education and other Social Institutions: Family, Economy, Politics and Religion Sociology of the Curriculum: Social Influences on the Curriculum, Constructing the Curriculum, Assessment and Testing, “The Hidden Curriculum” The Sociology of Teaching: Teaching as a Profession, The Teacher and her/his Training, The teacher and his/her Role Education and Social Stratification: Equality in Educational Opportunity, Public versus Private Institutions, Education as a Determinant of Class, Status and Power, Education and Social Mobility, Gender Discrimination in Education Schools as Organizations: Purposes of the School, School as Bureaucracy, Centralized vs Decentralized Decision Making, Professionals in the Education System Education In Bangladesh: Contributions of Ram Mohon Roy, Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar and Rabindranath Tagore to Education in Bangladesh, Education System in Bangladesh, Discrimination in Access to Education in Bangladesh, A Critical Review of the Reports of Education Commissions in Bangladesh Introduction of English Education in Sub continent: Differential Access to Dirojio, Syed Amir Ali, Syed Ahmed Khan, Khoda Bakhs
SOC 306 Social Stratification
3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits
Definition, Origin a types of Social Stratification, Social Stratification and Social Inequality. Theories of Stratification, Social Structure and Stratification. Social Mobility, Social Stratification and Social Mobility. Stratification Pattern of Bangladesh Society.
3 Hours/week, 3 Credits
Introduction: Definition of some basic concepts: ecology and environment, ecosphere and ecosystem-species and population-habitual and niche-food web and tropic structure. Social and physical environment-Biogeochemical cycle and their interaction with man and environment. Ecosystem: Aquatic, terrestrial Environmental Theories and Debates: Development of environmentalism: the development of ideas, eco centrism versus techno centrism-tragedy of the commons’ doctrine, blue print for survival, limits to growth, global 2000 rapport, bright global future, Stockholm to Rio. The Human Species Versus the Natural World: The development of human population and stages of cultural development-population dynamics and overpopulation. North South differences of population dynamics and ecological balance- population and resources-Interlink-ages between population and environment.- Family planning and population control.Major Environmental Issues: Industrialization- Urbanization-Land use and agriculture. Energy consumption-Women and children-What resources Health and sanitation Environmental Hazards and Disasters: Green house effect Nuclear proliferation population Deforestation Floods and cyclones Earthquake and rise of riverbeds poverty. Disaster Management: Poverty alleviation Flood control and drainage program, Cyclone management, relief and rehabilitation. Afforestation and community and social forestry Restructuring the industrial system National and international efforts. Environmental Policy, Planning and Research: Environmental planning: government policies and Programs, impact evaluation and feedback action Environmental research: impact assessment, geographic information system, Environmental education and awareness. Growth, Development and Environment: Technology, development and environment Social and economic process and environment Social values, norms, beliefs and practices and environment Structural change, sustainable growth and environment Eco development strategies for sustainable development. Social Structure and Environment: Human versus social ecology. Social stratification, inequality and environment Social values, norms, beliefs and practices and environment Resources allocation, consumption patterns and life styles and environment . Politics of Environmentalism: The political culture of environmental politics, Environmental pressure groups The role pro government and non-government actors in environmental movement. Rich world, poor world: trade, debt and aid.
3 Hours/week, 3 Credits
Definition and Concept Poverty: Absolute vs Relative Poverty, Externality Concept of Poverty, Structural Poverty, Artificial vs Natural Poverty, Chronic vs Transient Poverty, Emergence of Poverty, Poverty and Social Problems, Political Context of Poverty, Extent of Poverty, International Comparison of Poverty, Historical Roots of Western Views on Poverty-social Composition of Poverty, Trends in Urban and Rural Poverty in South Asian Societies. Measurement of Poverty: Problems of Measurement, Measures of Income and Expenditure as Criteria of Poverty, Alternative Approaches to Poverty Measurement. Measurement of Poverty Line: Concept of Poverty Line- Approaches to Poverty Line. Explanation of Poverty: Explanations in terms of Individual Attributes, Cultural Explanations and Explanations in terms of the Role of Public Social Services. Dimensions of Poverty: Income Dimensions, Nutritional Dimensions, Living Standard Dimensions, Security Dimensions, Gender Dimension, Regional Dimensions, Seasonal Dimensions. Population, Urbanization and Poverty: Demographic Transition, Fertility, Education, Female Labour, Child Labour, Fertility and Urban- rural Poverty Fertility and Equality- Case Studies. Household and Poverty, Family Structure and Poverty, Aging and Poverty. Racial Discrimination and Poverty: Racism and Ethnic Minority, Inequality in Industrial Society, Ethnic Minority and Inequality in Colonial Societies: Case Studies of the South Asian Countries. Poverty alleviation: The Politics of Poverty, Social Security Policies, Poverty Alleviation Strategies for Target Groups. Poverty Alleviation Strategies in Bangladesh: Government Initiatives and NGO Intervention: Case Studies of BRDB, BRAC and Grameen Bank, Future Strategies for Rural-urban Poverty Alleviation in Bangladesh.
3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits
Introduction: Development of Sociology of Disaster as a Sub- discipline, Key Topics in the Sociology of Disasters, Relationship with other Branches of Sociology, The Feild of Disaster Research. Conceptual Exploration: Causes and Types of Disaster, Disaster Cycle, Disaster Management, Types and Phases of Hazards, Risk, Vulnerability and Factors of Vulnerability, Rehabilitation, Complex Disaster. Theories of Disaster: Introduction to Social Science, Theories of Disaster – from Social Systems to Social Vulnerability and Social Construction. Hazard Perception and Risk Communication: Pubilc Risk Communication, Risk Communication and Warning Systems, Preparedness for Disasters among Individuals, Households and Organizations, Individual, Household and Organizational Response to Disasters, Behavioral Response to Disasters, Social Processes in Response to Disasters, Social Organizations of search and Rescue. Disaster Preparedness: Components of Disaster Preparedness, Preparedness for Slow Onset and Sudden Onset Disasters, Vulnerability and Risk Assessment, Disaster Responses, Assessment for Different Disasters. Disasters Impacts and Recovery: Crises associated with Technology, Natural and Techonological Disasters: Similarities and Differences, Disaster Impacts and Population, Displacement, Post-Disaster Recovery Processes, Coping with Disasters in Bangladesh, Adaptation and Survival Strategies of Disaster Victims in Bangladesh, Indigenous Techniques adopted in Post-Hazard Agricultural Adjustment in Bangladesh, Children and Women in Natural Disasters. Disaster Management: Need of Disaster Management, Disaster Management cycle, Alert, Preparedness Response, Mitigation, Prevention, Reconstruction, Policies planning and Programs for Disaster Management in Bangladesh.
3 Hours/week, 3 Credits
Sociology of religion: Definition, scopes and methodological considerations, approaches to the study of religion The origin and development of religion: Theories of Tylor, Lang, Frazer, Freud, Durkheim, Marett, Otto and Eliade. Basic elements of major religions and typologies: Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam. Religion and other Social institutions: politics, economy and other major variables Religious beliefs and rituals; Magic, science and religion; Strategies of mystical attack: Witchcraft and sorcery An overview of the functions of religions in human societies Religion, change and development; Dynamics of religion: Religious movements, rise of different cults and religious movements in the world.
3 Hours/Week, 3 CreditS
Each student will conduct a research monograph on a topic derived from all the courses s/he studied. The topic and a proposal will be prepared to conduct the research by the student after enrollment. The student will submit four copies of the final report to the department. The respective supervisor and the external examiner will evaluate the report. The student will also face oral defense through the concerned examination committee. The report will be graded as per university rule.
3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits
Historical Setting in which Sociology appeared as a discipline; Auguste Comte: Hierarchy of Sciences; The three stages of development; Social Statics and Social Dynamics; Religion, Humanity and Positivism; Herbert Spencer: Social Darwinism, Evolution of Society, Functionalism; Karl Marx: Historical and Dialectical Materialism, Concepts of man, Labor, Surplus Value, Alienation, Modes of Production, Transition from feudalism to Capitalism, Class and Class Conflicts, Socialism and Communism; Emile Durkheim: Social Facts and his Methodology, Division of Labor in Society, Solidarity, Religion and Society, Suicide; Max Weber: Methodology, Economy and Society, Religion and Society, Power and Authority, Rationality; V. Pareto: Psycho -Analysis, Logico Experimental Science, Circulation of Elite Theory.
3 hours/ week, 3 Credits
Development and Institutional Pattern: Capitalist and capitalistic social formation in developing countries, colonial heritage and its consequences. Modernization; Agrarian social structure; green revolution and development; and tenure and modern agriculture ; class and power structure; industrialization and urbanization; DFI-led development; and international transaction of labor and capital Post- modernism and Orientalism : Accounts the post modernism in sociology; accounting or the orient; orientalism and the problem of civil society.
Population and Food: Population growth, food scarcity and politics; entitlement and entitlement failure Globalization and Feminism: Concepts of globalization and female participation in development. Environment and Sustainable Development: Environmental degradation and challenge for development; natural resource management and sustainable development. Politics and Development: Political changes in developing countries; problems of bureaucracy, authoritarianism, military intervention and democracy. NGOs Approach of Development: Concepts of NGOs in capitalist development; roles in development; problems in civil society formation.Human Development: Appraisals of UNDP Human Development Indices.
3 Hours/week, 3 Credits
Definition of Family, Marriage and Courtship: The Nature of Interrelationship between Family, Marriage and Kinship, The Family, Marriage and Kinship as a Major Social Institutions Family: Origin, Forms, Structure and Function of Family, Family in South Asia- Historical and Contemporary context Marriage: Types, Forms, Marital arrangements, Mate selection, Engagement, Child Rearing, Break of Marital Relation, Rules Relating to Marriage Cultural Diversity of Marriage, Major Cultural Traits and Patterns of Marriage in South Asia Structural and Functional Aspect of Bangladeshi Families, Dynamics of Change in Family, Power in Families and Marriage, Family Power and Process, Uses and Abuse of Family Power Living Arrangements and Pattern of Relationships Family, Marriage and Ownership of Property, Muslim and Hindu Family Laws in Practice Family Planning and Birth, Rites of Marriage, Nature of Partnership Kinship: Kinship Relations and Social Behaviour, Kinship Terminology, Kinship and Social Structure, Theories of Kinship in Context from South Asia Human sexuality: Biological Issue, Sex and Body, The Incest Taboo, Marital Sex, Premarital Sex, Extramarital Sex, Sexual Orientation, Sexual Controversies, Sexual Violence, Abuse and Problems, Theoretical Analysis of Sexualities
2 Hours/week, 1 Credit
3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits
Introduction: Concepts of Childhood and Adolescence, Social Construction of Childhood, Children’s Rights and Child Protection. Social Theories of Childhood: New Paradigm for the Sociology of Childhood, Academic Perceptions of Child, Different Approaches and Models, Research Methods for Studying Children and Childhood. Historical Views of Childhood and Children: Centuries of Childhood, Aries’s thesis, Childhood as a Stage, Lock and Rousseau’s thoughts, Parent-Child Relations, Cultural and Historical Differences in Childcare. Child Development: Family Process and the Child, Family Culture and the Child, Family Rituals and Child Development, Class Differentiation in Child Development, Parental Awareness for Child Development. Social Inequalities and Children’s Lives: Upper Class Kids- Privilege and Everyday Life, Underprivileged Kids- Poverty and Everyday Life, Children in Working poor Families, Social Inequalities and Schools, Key Indicators of Child Well-Being, Changing Socio-Economic Context of Children’s Lives, Health Issues of Children’s lives. Social Problems of Children: Social Change and Family, Child Labour, Social Problems and the Family, Misappropriation of Children’s Potentials, Deviance and Crime, Child Poverty.
3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits
The nature and definition of Organizations. Organization in Historical Perspectives, Organization in Pre- capitalist Societies, Industrialism and organizations: Complex organization Theoretical Models: The beginning of Organizational research, psychological model, technological model structural functionalism, system model, action analysis of Organization, state bureaucracy and Multinational Organizations and neo-Marxist critique. Nature, Characteristics, Typologies of Organizations, Structural elements of Organizations. Technology and Organization: Organization as socio-technical system, Environment and organizational structure, technology and alienation. Bureaucracy: Nature and characteristics, The limits of bureaucracy, Work redesign and the limits of Tylorism and Fordism. Human Relations and the work group Earth approaches to Human behavior at work, limitations of Human relations tradition recent studies of work group. Decision-making process in organization resources. power, Authority and organizational goals, communication and the process of decision-making, control and autonomy.
3 Hours/week, 3 credits
The convergence of theory and history. Comparative sociology and sociological imagination. Social heritage and construction variation of theory in the three worlds: Latin America, Africa, Asia, Europe and America; Models and methods: Comparison, models and types, quantitative methods; Comparative units of analysis: Function, structure, facts and fictions, and culture as problem area; state, social role, family and kinship, community and identity, class and status, social mobility, social movements, reciprocity, patronage and corruption, power, center and periphery, hegemony and resistance, ideology, communication and reception, orality and textulity, myth etc;
3 Hours/Week, 3Credits
Concepts of Social Change and Development: Interrelationships of Change, Evolution, Progress and Development, Dimensions and Measurement of Development, Source, Types and Characteristics of Social Change.Directions and Scale of Social Change: Classification of Directions and Magnitude of Social Change, Factors of Social Change- Technological Factor, Demographic Factor, Economic Factor, Environmental Factor, Political Factor. Theories of Social Change: Evolutionary Theories, Conflict Theories and Cyclical Theories. Theories of Development: Modernisation Theory, Structural Theory, Neo-Marxist and Dependency Theory, World System Theory. Pre-capitalist Social Formations and Developing Societies: Institutional Structure and Prospect of Capitalist Development in Indian Sub-continent. Cultural Change as Consequence and Factor of Social Change. Socio-cultural Consequences of Change and Development in Contemporary Bangladesh.
3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits
Introduction: Nature, scope and rise of Industrial Sociology, History of Industrialization, ancient and modern, early industrialization in India, arts and crafts, Renaissance, Industrial revolution in Europe, The development of industry and industrial society in Bangladesh. The concept of work: Society, Community, Association, & institution. Work and art, nature of industrial work, work ideology, work values, Role of work in human life, work and mental health, work attitudes, work involvement, the motivation of work ,work satisfaction, commitment to industrial work, development and commitment of industrial labor force in Bangladesh. The worker and the factory: The factory system, its characteristic, the formal relations of production in the factory system. The industrial Bureaucracy: The executive in the industrial bureaucracy, the role of worker, social relations at work, Management as a social elite. Industry and the community: Industry and family, industry and social change, shifting values, influence of convictions, religion and industrial development, place of industrial worker in the society, industry and -social stratification. Industrial Conflict: Nature and causes of industrial conflict, role and function of trade unionism, resolution of industrial conflict, collective bargaining
2Hours/Week, 2Credits
All the students will sit for a 3 hours comprehensive examination. The question of the examination will be set on the basic of various themes covered by all the courses taught in the 4th year.
2 Hours/Week, 1 Credit
VU follows the following Letter Grade and Grade Point system introduced by the UGC as a uniform grading system for all public and private universities:
Numerical Grade |
Letter Grade |
Grade Point |
80% and above |
A+ |
4.00 |
75% to less than 80% |
A |
3.75 |
70% to less than 75% |
A- |
3.50 |
65% to less than 70% |
B+ |
3.25 |
60% to less than 65% |
B |
3.00 |
55% to less than 60% |
B- |
2.75 |
50% to less than 55% |
C+ |
2.50 |
45% to less than 50% |
C |
2.25 |
40% to less than 45% |
D |
2.00 |
Less than 40% |
F |
0.00 |
a. The Letter Grade A+, A, A-, B+, B-, B, C+, C and D are considered as pass grades.
b. An f grade is considered as ‘FAIL’ and in such cases students must go for a retake.
c. After completion of the program, the final transcript will be issued mentioning Letter Grade, Corresponding Grade Points, Attempted Credit, Earned Credit and CGPA.
d. Numerical marks in the Grade Sheet/Transcript will not be shown.
Final Result Preparation:
The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) will be computed according to the following formula:
CGPA = Sum of ( Earned Credit X Corresponding GradePoints) / Total Credits