On the 13th October, 2019 IEEE VU SB, Dept. of EEE of Varendra University celebrated IEEE Day at the Engineering Building, Talaimari, Rajshahi.
The whole day program was divided into two parts. First parts included Rally around the Engineering Building, Talaimary and RUET. The students, Counselor, Advisor of IEEE VU SB and Faculties of the Department of EEE participated at this Rally. The second part included discussion about the Role of IEEE Student Branch for the advancement of Humanity. Prof. Dr. M Osman Gani Talukder, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, presented his valuable speech on this occasion as a Chief Guest. The secretary and Advisor of this IEEE student Branch also delivered speech regarding the future plan of this Branch. The Counselor of this IEEE Student Branch, VU (IEEE VU SB), Prof. Dr. Md. Nazrul Islam Mondal concluded the occasion with thanks through his speech as a chairman. Finally all the IEEE members celebrated this whole day through different games with beautiful cake.