A Visit To Thammasat University, Thailand

A Visit To Thammasat University, Thailand

Honorable Pro-Vice Chancellor (Varendra University) with the Vice Rector of Thammasat University, Thailand

Visit Date:

November 10, 2016


Prof. Dr. Nurul H. Choudhury, Pro-Vice Chancellor

Md. Shamim Ahsan Parvez, Executive Director

Muhammad Sajjadur Rahim, Coordinator, Dept. of EEE

Academic Collaboration:

To explore the possibilities of academic collaboration, above representatives of Varendra University recently visited Thammasat University, Thailand (http://tueng.tu.ac.th/)

During the visit they met with the honorable Vice Rector and Librarian of the university.  

Related Link with Photos of Visit

A Visit To Thammasat University

Varendra University representatives with the authority of Thammasat University, Thailand


A Visit To Thammasat University

Library of Thammasat University, Thailand