Varendra University

Board of Trustees

Mr. Hafizur Rahman Khan

During the last few years we gave some thought on the issues relating to the higher education of our country. In recent years the number of students aspiring for higher education has increased manifold, but the number of seat of learning for them did not increase adequately. Although there had been set up of a good number of new Private Universities, they are not enough to meet the enormous requirements of fast growing demand for quality higher education in our country.

We have also noticed that most of the Private Universities, as well as large number of Public Universities, are located in and around the capital city of Dhaka. The other cities and regions of the country, particularly the North Bengal is starved of quality educational institutions. It is in the backdrop of this that we felt the need for a private university at Rajshahi, located in the Varind or Varendra heartland.

The principal aim of this university is to produce skilled and enlightened young men and women capable of running and developing the country as well as facing the challenges of the 21st century across the globe, with qualities of knowledge and leadership. In this institution, we want to impart education and knowledge to the students so that they can prepare themselves for leadership

Positions in the country and South-Asia region. The main target of Varendra University is to produce graduates and postgraduates of global standards by providing them with modern and latest instructions in science, technology, social sciences and Humanities. We are also aiming at preparing our students for advanced research and learning so that they can disseminate the skill & knowledge they have acquired.

I am quite confident that Varendra University will go a long way to play a key role to make its students enlightened human beings who will take leadership positions in different fields of our national activities. I am hopeful that this institution will rank among the best in this part of the country very soon.


Mr. Hafizur Rahman Khan
Chairman, Varendra University Trust
Chairman, Runner Group.
President, International Business Forum of Bangladesh (IBFB)
President, Management Studies Alumni Association, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi.
President, Bangladesh Automobiles Assemblers and Manufacturers Association (BAAMA)
Director, Autism Welfare Trust